We're in! The Real Review Wine Classification of Australia
By Alexander Head /
The Real Review sent us a letter —The Blonde and The Brunette— have made it into The Real Review Wine Classification.
This is huge for us! It places these wines amongst the best of Australia.
Every wine selected for inclusion in the Classification has had to demonstrate outstanding quality over a period of at least 10 years. Not only judged on how great they were in the past, but also on how well they've maintained their quality through the years. Learn more about the Classification here
The Blonde and The Brunette are my homage to Côte Blonde” and “Côte Brune of Côte Rotie — where my winemaking journey began.
I believed in the dream. Had to believe in myself. Don't get distracted. Keep on pushing every day. What a thrill then, to be recognised for what has been, and continues to be, such a personal journey.
I can truly say all my Christmases arrived at once!
For our wine nerds, who'd like to compare the 10 year old wines against current vintages, we do have a few magnums of 2012 The Blonde and 2012 The Brunette available on this website. These are the our last bottles.
Thanks for all your support. Enjoy!